The Health Care Guardian
Difference Between Female Ejaculation and Squirt
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Difference between Female Ejaculation and Squirt, Myths and Truths

In recent years, knowledge about sex and female pleasure is booming, and many are interested in this issue. So much so, that we get to the confusion between terms like squirt, and female ejaculation.

They affirm from the Medical University of Hamburg, and the San Diego Medical Medical Institute, through the research ‘The History of Female Ejaculation,’ that “the existence of female ejaculation is a controversial matter.”

They Exist, but they are not the Same

Female Ejaculation and Squirt are both Same

In 1994, Sevillian doctor Francisco affirmed that when analyzing pre-orgasmic and postorgasmic urine, “the presence of markers of the male seminal fluid, prostate-specific antigen (PSA) that are produced by the paraurethral urethral glands and Skene ducts,” which it is known as “female prostate.”

Not all women can ‘ejaculate, Only a few women who expels fluid from the female prostate glands, which happens in 1 of 14,00 women.

The big difference between the terms is that while ejaculation is a natural act of some women’s bodies, in which it expels fluid from the glands so that it ends up expelling liquid from the vagina, to which some diluted urine is added “.

The controversy  Female Ejaculation And Squirt

Sexologist Diana Fernández Saro points out that the term ‘ejaculation’ is wrong in the female case, since “women do not expel their reproductive cells outside the body.”

Beyond the controversy in terminology, there is another controversy that affects the intimate relationships of women, and this is how sexologist Martina González Veiga explains it.

Women feel fear that they will be an embarrassment of expelling fluids and inhibiting orgasm of peeing because of ejaculating .” this situation will make them very tense and pressured.

 Squirt and Female Ejaculation

Have you ever felt like peeing while having sex? Have you gone to urinate immediately after ending a sexual relationship? Both questions were asked by Deborah Sundahl, author of Female Ejaculation and the G-Spot, to her students before beginning to explain what the Squirt phenomenon consisted.

However, it is not a fruitful invention. But of the pornographic industry, and no, it is not a myth collected from old books of legends about distant and forgotten cultures.

This phenomenon is real, every day, and we can try to learn how to produce it.

The question is, where is your desire to live it born?

Are you curious, or are you stubborn?

Is it by and for you, or do you want to do it for someone else?

In general, you don’t have to prove anything to anyone, but in sexuality, much less. The squirt is just another of many sexual practices that can be used, or not, in an erotic encounter.

We are Talking About Squirting

squirting is a phenomenon whereby an abundant amount of liquid will expel through the urethra. You read correctly: not through the vagina, but the urethra.

It, therefore, comes from the urinary bladder. It can occur alongside orgasm, simultaneously, or independently of it, in the clinical experience.

They found girls who enjoy orgasms more intensely when accompanies by squirt. Similarly, others says that this phenomenon was pleasant to them.  Besides that, as their frequent orgasms and some who did not notice a difference in sensations and discovered it seeing everything wet.

How to provoke it?

It was necessary to stimulate point G area with a specific technique that combines a particular rhythm, pressure, and movement repeat it and to achieve a squirt.

My experience in consultation allows me to deny this idea since none of the women who have told me about their way of triggering this effect described such a technique.

I have also found no scientific studies in this regard. Many achieve it by penetrating the penis, others with vibrators, some only stimulating the glands of the clitoris with their hands and many others, using the already best seller clitoris suction.

What they did experience frequently was that feeling like “I’m going to pee,” a moment that many of us will have felt during sex, but that we stop thinking that we are going to urinate.

Is it the same as Female Ejaculation and Squirt?

Masturbated Experiment Reach OrgasmEven though both secretions compromise the structure of the Skene Glands and the G Zone. In Contrast there is scientific evidence that they are different substances secretes by our body during sexual stimulation. Having, with considerable differences between them.

Is Squirt Urine?

Experts conducted an experiment in the 1990s in which he brought together a group of women who claimed to expel large amounts of fluid during orgasm. First, he collected evidence the difference between two different secretions. Secondly, He tested to know if any of them was urine.

Finally, he inserted a catheter to all of them from the urethra to the bladder with the hypothesis that if the liquid came out through the catheter, it would be urine.

However, in the case of copious amounts, the liquid came out through the catheter. Also he also observe that there was another liquid that did it outside of it, it is female ejaculation.

Masturbated Experiment Reach Orgasm 

Another study Medicine collects the work that a team of researchers from the Parley II hospital in Le Chesney (France) carried out in which seven women capable of provoking squirt at will, masturbated in the laboratory until reach orgasm.

The revealing of results  that despite of emptied her bladders just prior to the experiment. Notwithstanding, at the time of orgasm, the bladder will refill, explaining the great feeling of wanting to urinate during intercourse. Upon completion, ultrasound tests states that the bladders were again empty.

In addition, the only receptacle in our body capable of containing such a quantity of liquid in the bladder.

Why then do people who experience it, their partners, and sex industry workers repeat over and over that it doesn’t look like urine. Nonetheless, doesn’t smell like urine, and doesn’t taste like it?

Despite coming from the bladder, this phenomenon occurs due to the intense oscillations of a diuretic hormone, vasopressin. Due to the high stimulation of the kidneys and the relaxation of the urethra, we would be able to release this kind of diluted urine. Indeed in which contain of water, urea, and uric acid.

Are all women capable of experiencing it?

Are all women capable of experiencing itThere is still no certainty about why some women unintentionally trigger it together with orgasm. So as, others learn to produce it voluntarily.  Similarly others are even unable to achieve it despite fulfilling the stimulation in the same way.

In the words of Manuel Lucas, from the  Spanish Society for Intervention in Sexology.

It is a physiological process that occurs to few females. It depends on the development of the gland located between the vagina and the urethra. Therefore, the paraurethral gland or also known as the gland of Skene.

We are still walking in the process of research and knowledge about many aspects of female sexuality.

which will gradually define, but what we can affirm is that none of these variations of the organism squirting or not. By with greater or less difficulty) is a problem.

Physiological Differences Female Ejaculation and Squirt

They are only physiological differences, such as who can form a flower with the tongue. And who can touch the tip of the nose with it. If you want to explore your body and want to learn to enjoy or experience it.

I encourage you to try, go through your vulva. Rub your clitoris and explore your vagina, to take you to that previous sensation of urinary urgency. It let yourself go and enjoy the sensations that your body gives you away.

The next time you feel like urinating while having sex, you can let yourself go. And if you feel like it- and try what happens in your body.  Then without fear or modesty, and enjoy it alone or with the confidence of your sexual partner.

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