The Health Care Guardian
remedies wont work on Burns
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Remedies That Don’t Work Against Domestic Burns By Experts

Plenty of information about poultices and miracle remedies to heal first and second-degree burns circulates online. Most of this material is inappropriate when not counterproductive that don’t work against domestic burns. The solution to these wounds is usually much simpler than we think.

Prevent Possible Infections in Domestic Burns

The probability that we will ever suffer domestic burns is not low, so it is useful to know how we should act in such a case to avoid both pain and inflammation in the area, but above all, to prevent possible infections in case the burn is Second degree. It has produced blistering, sores, or suppurating wounds if it is severing its better to have doctor consultation to use proper antibiotics and prescribed medication.

Most of the people are not specialized in health, claim to be supported by popular knowledge and tradition. However, the truth is that except in the case of minor burns, they are inadequate if not counterproductive.

Here are these miracle solutions that you should avoid because they don’t work

Miracle solutions that they don't work

1. Freezing water

Excessively cold water, for example, from the snow, applied to the burn will achieve an opposite effect to that desired, which is to lower the temperature of the burned tissue and prevent the damage from spreading. Instead, it will cause a deepening of the burn by constricting the capillaries from the cold and preventing blood from coming to regenerate.

2. Ice

It is the same case as that of icy water, but with the addition that we also use water that will non-chlorinate and contamination from the fingers, for example, fecal, thereby increasing the risk of infection.

3. Potato skin

It is a traditional remedy to peel a potato and place the skin, on the inside, on the burn, since it is fresh and moisturizing. The truth is that beyond causing possible infections by contact with the external face of the potato, which comes from the ground and has passed through many hands, we will achieve nothing. Instead of potato skin, we have to use potato slices for minor like sun burns.

4. Honey

Another theory is about honey to prevent damaged skin from becoming dehydrated and infected. Just the opposite happens: by osmotic pressure, honey will tend to dehydrate the wound, in addition to providing sugars to possible bacterial growth. This remedy is a fudge to avoid.

5. Iodo

Iodine is excessively drying and abrasive to apply to a recent burn. Although it disinfects and heals, when the burn is tender, it could aggravate the problem by burning deeper tissues and causing tensions that end in cracks, which would generate a greater area of ​​infection.

6. Vinegar Should use Properly in Domestic Burns

Another disinfectant too aggressive for a tender wound. It will cause pain and dryness in the area, which can worsen healing in the long term. Using Vinegar should be in very dilute form, and for the minor burns only.

7. Not All Oil helps in Domestic Burns

The most widespread traditional remedy is to bathe the burned area with oil. It can work to reduce inflammation by absorbing the heat from the area, especially with first degree burns. We will also avoid superficial dehydration. But if blisters or wounds have occurred, we run the risk of infecting the area, so in these cases, it is inadvisable, especially if we think that its subsequent cleaning will require soaps.

8. Toothpaste Strictly avoid in Domestic Burns

The case of toothpaste is similar to that of oil. It can be indicated and effective for non-wound burns (first degree) – it absorbs heat – but not when lower injuries occur.

Burns And Scalds In Domestic Burns

  • General treatment: First, take away the child from contact with hot water or a hot object to stop the burning(e.g., hot iron). If your clothes are burning, put out the flames. Take off her clothes unless they are very close to the skin. Let the water run on burned skin until pain stops. Do not apply ice, butter, grease, medications, or ointments.
  • Blister burns: Do not break the blisters. Ask your pediatrician about how to cover the burn. For burns to the face, hands, feet, or genitals, seek emergency care.
  • Large or deep burns:  After stopping and cooling the burn, keep your child warm with a clean sheet covered with a blanket until help arrives.
  • Electrical burns: If the child is in contact with a source of electricity immediately disconnect the power supply, DO NOT touch the child with bare hands. Move the child away from the source of electricity with a wooden broomstick or any plastic chair or rods, and make sure only power turn off.  ALL electrical burns should receive medical attention.

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