The Health Care Guardian
Best Tricks for not Abandoning Intermittent Fasting Diet
Fitness Recipes

Best Tricks for not Abandoning Intermittent Fasting Diet

Whether you are already doing the intermittent fasting diet or if you are thinking about it, these tricks will help you reach your goal earlier because they will make it easier for you.  you will lose weight, and also you will be healthier.

A Glass of Water on the Table in Fasting Diet

A Glass of Water on the Table in Fasting Diet

As soon as you get up, keep hydrated. Drink plenty of water and calorie-free drinks, such as herbal teas, throughout the day.

Drink a 500ml glass of water to start the day well hydrated. And keep drinking water and other fluids allowed throughout the day as it is essential to be well hydrated during the fast. If you find it challenging to drink much water.

Please See Below the Advantages of it

  • It nourishes us since it is the “transport” of specific vitamins and minerals, essential for the cells of the body.
  • It cleanses the body, as it helps to eliminate toxins.
  • Avoid constipation, as it contributes to the stool passing more easily and frequently.
  • It fills us with its light and brief satiating effect. Drinkglass of water 10 minutes before eating, and you will arrive less eagerly at the table.

Drink Coffee or Black Tea

It will give you extra energy and has a slight appetite suppressant effect. If you do not like these drinks, take any other infusion that you want, these helps in many ways, for example, help to eliminate gases, and these others help you sleep better. Of course, take everything without sugar, honey, sweeteners, or milk. You can only add cinnamon.

Don’t go Overboard with Caffeine

Coffee may sound like a good option to calm your hunger, but with such a specific diet, drinking too much coffee will only make you restless and fast.

Surf with Hunger in Fasting Diet

Surf with Hunger in Fasting Diet

Hunger comes like the tide, and it rises and falls. When it appears in your life, stay busy, and slowly drink a glass of water. Believe us, and it will go away.

Limit your consumption of fast-digesting carbohydrates and processed food

This type of food makes you feel hungry again quickly; instead, you should eat healthy snacks like almonds, walnuts, meat, and eggs, which contain essential proteins and nutrients and also make you feel full longer.

Make sure your meals have a low glycemic index

It will help you have a more stable sugar level throughout the day, to prevent you from having energy drops and cravings. Foods like oats, grains, and vegetables are suitable for this.

When you eat in Fasting Diet

Do not do it thinking about anything else, with your attention on your mobile or the TV screen. Savor every bite, enjoy it, you’ve earned it. Make sure you eat enough protein

Experts say that with fasting, you should eat some protein at each meal, this will help you not lose muscle and lack essential nutrients.

Remember that you can not eat everything you want

Just because you’ve gone 12 hours without eating doesn’t mean you can eat a whole cake later, neglecting your meals can skyrocket your sugar, fat and ruin all your progress. The idea is to eat a healthy diet so that you have energy during the day.

Don’t just eat

Make yourself nutritious menus, with many colors and very complete—protein, carbohydrates, and fat. Ideally, you follow the plate method.

Eating homemade food and even better real food is the best gift you can give yourself. Improve flavor without calories. Season your foods generously with garlic, herbs, spices, or vinegar. These foods are deficient in calories but full of character, which can help you not feel hungry.

No binge eating. That you are doing intermittent fasting does not give you the green light to get to the top of food when you are in the feeding window. The worst gift you can give yourself is binge eating after a fast. Give your body four weeks to get used to this way of eating. Do not seek immediate results, and do not be discouraged. Good food and good health take time.

Be Smart When Choosing Your Calories in Fasting Diet

Be Smart When Choosing Diet

If your plan allows for a few calories during fasting periods, select nutrient-dense foods that are high in protein, fiber, and healthy fats, you can eat beans, lentils, eggs, fish, nuts, and avocado.

Eat high-volume foods. Select foods that satisfy you, but are low in calories, such as vegetables, popcorn, raw and choose fruits like grapes and melon with high water content.

Choose nutrient-dense foods after the fasting period. Eat foods high in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients so that your blood sugar levels stay healthy and avoid nutrient deficiencies. However, a well-balanced diet will also contribute to overall health and weight loss



If you thought that was all, Here are more tips so that your goal of gaining health and losing weight is at your fingertips.

  • Do not pay homage, and do not say goodbye to food. Saying goodbye to what you like so much because “I eat two total because I’m going to start a diet” can put you 2 to 3 kilos before starting it.
  • Free your pantry and your kitchen from those things that you know they lose you.
  • If you feel like it, start a journal. So you can keep track of how you feel during this time, and you can even discover what leads you to eat more. If you write down how you think, you may learn something more about your relationship with food.
  • Don’t tell who you already know. We all have those well-intentioned friends and family (or not) who not only discourage you from dieting and taking care of yourself but also tempt you and offer you everything: sweets, pizza slices
  • People will have better results if they try different styles to see which one suits their preferences and lifestyle.
  • Fasting for long periods when the body is not ready can cause problems.
  • These forms of diet may not be suitable for everyone. If a person is prone to experiencing eating problems, these approaches can exacerbate their negative relationship with food.
  • People with health problems, including diabetes, should speak to a doctor before trying any fasting methods.
  • It is essential to have a healthy and balanced diet on days that you do not fast. If necessary, you can seek professional help to customize an intermittent fasting plan and avoid inconvenience.

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