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Maintain A Healthy Immune System For Disease Free Life

Specialized organs of the body will make the immune system, which protects tissues, proteins, and cells, of people from germs and microorganisms daily. In most cases, The Healthy immune system works amazingly well to keep people healthy and prevent infectious diseases. However, the corrupt immune system can lead to illness and infection.

About the Healthy Immune System

What is Immune system

 The immune system of the body fights against infectious bacteria and viruses, and other organisms.  The immune system fights against organisms and substances that invade the body’s systems and cause infections.

The cells mentioned are white blood cells (leukocytes) of two basic types, which combine to find and destroy the substances or organisms that cause disease.

Leukocytes are produced or stored in various places in the body, including the thymus, spleen, and bone marrow. For this reason, these organs are called “lymphatic organs.” Leukocytes are store in lymph tissue masses, mainly in the form of lymph nodes, found throughout the body.

In the body, leukocytes circulate to and from organs and nodes through blood vessels. In this way, it works in coordination to control the body for germs or substances that can cause problems.

The Two Basic Types of Leukocytes are:

The Two Basic Types of Leukocytes are

  1. Phagocytes: Phagocytes include several different cells. The most common type are necrophiliacs, which mainly attack bacteria. If doctors suspect a bacterial infection, they may order a blood test to see if the patient’s number of necrophiliacs has increased due to the infection. The other types of phagocytes have specific functions to ensure that the body reacts appropriately to a specific type of invader. These are cells that destroy invading organisms
  2.  Lymphocytes: These are cells that allow the body to recognize previous invaders and help it to destroy; there are two types of Lymphocytes.
  •  B lymphocytes: Lymphocytes originate in the bone marrow and either stay there and become B cells lymphocytes function as the body’s military intelligence system, locating the target and sending defenses to catch it.
  • T lymphocytes: Lymphocytes target the thymus gland where they become T cells. It resembles soldiers: they destroy invaders that the intelligence system identifies.

When antigens (foreign substances invading the body) are detected, various types of cells work together to recognize them and respond to the threat. These cells induce B lymphocytes to produce antibodies, specialized proteins that trap specific antigens. These antibodies remain in the person’s body so that if the same antigen returns, the immune system already has the antibodies to attack it.

Therefore, if a person becomes sick, for example, with chickenpox, they will generally not get the disease again.

Immunizations For Healthy Immune System

This also prevent some diseases in this way. It introduce an antigen into the body so that it does not cause illness but allows it to make antibodies to protect the person from future attacks by the germ or substance responsible for that particular disease.

Although antibodies can recognize an antigen and trap it, they need help destroying it. That is the function of T cells, which are part of the system that destroys the antigens that the antibodies have identified or the infected or modified cells. (Indeed, some T cells are “killer cells.”) T cells also help signal other cells (such as phagocytes) to do their job.

Antibodies can also neutralize toxins (toxic or harmful substances) produced by different organisms. Finally, antibodies can activate a protein system called a complement that is also part of the immune system. The complement system helps kill bacteria, viruses, or infected cells.

All of these specialized cells and components of the immune system protect the body from disease. This protection is called immunity.


Three types of immunity

 Humans have three types of immunity: innate, acquired, and passive:

Innate immunity or Natural immunity

 All people are born with innate (or natural) immunity; innate immunity also includes external body barriers, such as the skin and mucous membranes, the nose, throat, and gastrointestinal tract, which are the first line of defense to prevent the disease from entering the body. If this outer defensive barrier broke (as if by a cut), the skin tries to heal the break quickly, and the skin’s specialized immune cells attack invading germs.

Acquired immunity

 The second type of protection is acquired (or active) immunity, which develops during the course of our lives. Acquired immunity comprises the activity of lymphocytes and develops as people are exposed to or immunized against diseases by vaccination.

Passive immunity

 It’s formes by other sources like antibodies in breast milk temporarily immunize the baby against diseases to which the mother will expose. Passive immunity can help protect the baby from infection during the early childhood years.

No two immune systems are identical. Some people seem exempt from getting infections, while others seem to be continually getting sick. Over the years, people’s immune systems come in contact with more and more germs and gain immunity against them. For this reason, adults and teens tend to catch colds less than children:

 Problems We Face For Not Maintaining Healthy Immune System

Immune system problems

 Immune system disorders are classified into four main categories:

  1. Immunodeficiency disorders (primary or acquired)
  2. Autoimmune disorders (the body’s immune system attacks its tissue as if it were a foreign substance)
  3. Allergic disorders (the immune system overreacts to an antigen)
  4. Immune system cancer

The number of deaths worldwide exceeds 5,000, and in turn, there are 65,000 recovered. In Italy, the figure exceeds 17,000 infections; it is the country with more cases and more deaths after China.

The most affected people are elders and children who have a poor immune system, that is, with low defenses. world wide health organizations have stressed that the virus infects people of all ages.

However, there is evidence that those over 60 years of age and those with underlying health conditions (such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, diseases, respiratory, and cancer) are at higher risk. At the same time, he explained that the best way to avoid contagion is not masks, but good hygiene.

How to Maintain Healthy Immune System?

strengthen the immune system

On the other hand, a proper diet is also essential. Specialists recommend consuming foods that help strengthen the immune system. By themselves, they do not create immunity to COVID-19. However, the beneficial effects on the body and its defenses will create a barrier that can prevent infection or minimize its effects.

These are ten foods that help strengthen defenses:

  • Orange and more citrus: High in vitamin C.
  • Peanuts are high in vitamin E.
  • Almonds: immune booster and high in vitamin E.
  • Tuna contains high in Omega 3.
  • Rice has high in minerals and vitamin D.
  • Sunflower seeds are high in selenium.
  • Plain yogurt contains high in probiotics.
  • Carrots are high in potassium and phosphorous.
  • Oatmeal: contains protein and vitamins of the B complex.
  • Nuts high in zinc.

According to nutritionists, these foods, among others that contain antioxidants and beta-carotene, favor the production of defensive cells more efficiently. Also, experts recommend consuming at least two liters of water a day for proper digestion of nutrients and frequent physical activity to maintain good health.

Is there something I shouldn’t do?

According to the WHO, the following measures are NOT effective against COVID-19 and may be harmful:

  • Smoking will affect the immune system.
  • Wearing masks will not effect getting infected who has less immunity.
  • Taking antibiotics with our doctor’s advice is harmful.
  • Be ready for medical attention as soon as possible to reduce the risk., if you have a fever, cough, and shortness of breath..

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