The Health Care Guardian
Our Bodies made Of What We Eat
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Our Bodies Made Of What We Eat Recommends for Healthy Eating

In daily practice, patients often receive questions about diet and nutrition. It’s simple Our Bodies Made Of What We Eat. Never prefer fast food we Recommends for Healthy Eating; if we are regular to have such diets, we make heavy losses to our body. Maintaining a balanced diet and exercising helps in losing weight, it is challenging to eliminate excess fat without acting on them individually.

A patient in the recovering phase after surgery and a patient with secondaries cancer have different original nutritional status and metabolism. Hence, many types of nutrients require them is necessary.

From this time, I would like to consider cancer, lifestyle-related diseases, nutrition, and immunity.

Our body is mainly composed of about 60 trillion and 260 kinds of cells, but many people are aware that the type determines the life span of each cell. The white blood cells that protect our body from bacteria live only two to three days, and the intestinal mucous cells live for only one to two days.

So what exactly is a balanced diet and Healthy eating?

Balance dietOur body is mainly composed of about 60 trillion and 260 kinds of cells, but many people are aware that the type determines the life span of each cell. The white blood cells that protect our body from bacteria live only two to three days, and the intestinal mucous cells live for only one to two days.

Healthy cells undergo suicide called apoptosis at the end of their lifespan and maintain our bodies as old cells die and replace by new cells. According to one theory, about 400 to 500 billion cells die every day, and about the same number of cells are born.

The time required for replacement depends on the type of cells, but if the alternative of more number of cells in a few years. The lifespan and the replacement of cells will happen because of the large number of cells will produce every day in our body; by nutrients, we take as raw materials.

Naturally, the quality of the diet can affect the quality of the cells that are born. That a poor diet creates a poor internal environment and weak quality cells, causing cell dysfunction and causing various diseases.

Immunity is also Affect by Nutrition

We suggest that patients fight cancer and various other diseases by improving their immune function for many years. The condition for starting immune therapy has been that the patient must be able to walk alone and have a healthy diet. It’s because the part that depends on leukocytes is large. If you do not eat enough or mediocre quality meals, it will not be able to induce healthy immune cells to be active.

The nutrients are essential substances that can be a source of energy, build body tissues, and condition our bodies. The nutrients that make up energy sources and body tissues are carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins, all of which are well known as the three major nutrients. It is vitamins and minerals that help regulate body tone. These vitamins and minerals are called the five major nutrients. Dietary fiber and water are also essential ingredients for the body. Both are vital substances in our bodies among the vitamins and minerals contained in food.

You know that nutrient deficiencies and excesses can cause a variety of symptoms. It has found that nutrients are a problem not only in excess and deficiency but also in the body due to changes in nutrient quality. Cancer, allergies, atherosclerosis, and Alzheimer’s disease that are close to us are also affected by these nutrients.

Metabolic syndrome and maintaining Healthy Eating

Metabolic syndromeMetabolic syndrome is a fat cell. It stores excess lipids in cells. It accumulates as fat, and the production of inflammatory active substances from these support systems causes chronic inflammation throughout the body, eventually leading to the hardening of the arteries, cancer, and allergies.

Increasing glucose due to excessive intake of carbohydrates causes disease cells. Further, which uses glucose three to eight times of energy for healthy cells to grow, it has found that cancer-causing will switch on when high inflation continues.

This insulin acts as a growth factor to promote cancer growth. Abnormal lipid balance (overdose of omega-6 fatty acids in long-chain saturated and unsaturated fatty acids in animal fats) also causes chronic inflammation, cancer, and allergies.

The principles of Healthy Eating: everyone should know this!

The principles of healthy eatingWhere to start? First of all, with a solid decision to eat right. Here are a few simple rules that almost all modern etiology relies on and which will help you quickly learn the principles of healthy eating.

  1. Forever forget about fast food and try not to abuse the sweet.
  2. Foods that are growing seasonally – they contain a maximum of vitamins and nutrients.  Due to chemicals and long-term storage, they lose not only all their benefits but also become accumulators of nitrates and other harmful chemical compounds.
  3. Limit the use of refined foods as much as possible: sugar, vegetable oil, white wheat flour, polished white rice. They do not have fiber, necessary for the digestive tract, and for the nutrition of good bacteria that live in the Gut.
  4. Drink water, and water can not replace by tea, coffee, and soft drinks. A day, the body needs to receive at least 30–35 ml of fluid per 1 kg of weight
  5. Do not forget about protein foods. It can give a feeling of satiety for a long time and is also rich in amino acids. The body must build muscle tissue, replace week cells.

Recommended products: Tasty and Healthy Eating

Recommended products tasty and healthyAll products used by humans for food can  divide into “beneficial” and “harmful.” Useful products must be included in the diet every day. In essence, they are rich in amino acids, vitamins, micro and macro elements, fatty acids, fiber. Moreover, they are easily absorbed, do not slow down the metabolism, and do not harm health. These products traditionally include the following:

  1. Vitamin C and fiber are available in fresh fruits and vegetables.
  2. vitamin B, E, and minerals like magnesium, potassium, and Folic acid found in cereals.
  3. Vitamins Fatty acids and protein are present in Dried Fruits.
  4. Protein, Amino acids, and vitamins A, B, and E will found in Poultry Meat.
  5. Polyunsaturated acids, proteins, calcium, phosphorous, and vitamins D, E, and B12 are rich in Fish and Seafood.
  6. Vitamins, minerals, poly phones are present in Green tea.
  7. calcium, protein, amino acids, vitamins D, A, B12, carbohydrates are present in Dairy products like sour cream, cottage cheese.
  8. phospholipids, linoleum and other polyunsaturated acids, vitamins A, D, E, are Vegetable oils obtained by cold pressing
  9. vitamins, minerals, glucose, fructose, volatile, fast carbohydrates are present in honey.
  10. Fiber, Enzymes, amino acids will find in Cereal bread

The use of these products in the right combinations is a healthy diet since they bring undoubted benefits to the body and to maintain health but also to strengthen it. Nutritionists recommend, for example, eating cereals on the water in combination with vegetable salads seasoned with olive oil. By the way, it’s no to combine cucumbers and tomatoes in a mixture. In essence, chopped cucumbers secrete a particular enzyme that destroys vitamin C contained in vegetables. Cabbage, asparagus, zucchini, radishes, and cucumbers are suitable for meat, fish, and poultry. Fruits are better to eat separately, before meals or about an hour after.

Recommended Products: Waste Ballast

Recommended Products Waste BallastBut eating healthy products, we must not forget about the exclusion from the diet of “harmful” products – those that cause the accumulation of fats in the body and metabolic disorders:

  1. Chips, popcorn, crackers, salted nuts.
  2. Alcoholic drinks.
  3. Any semi-finished products and concentrates: dry mashed potatoes, instant noodles.
  4. Butter baking, exceptionally high in sugar, So it’s not, recommends eating.
  5. Fried food.
  6. Ready-made factory sauces, including mayonnaise, are not suitable for health.
  7. Smoked meats, sausages increase lipids in our bodies.
  8. Fast food.
  9. Juices (except freshly squeezed), carbonated drinks.

The use of sugar and salt is also undesirable. If you really can’t refuse fast food, then you can use honey instead of sugar, and use salt to a minimum, only slightly adding salt to the dishes. Recently, sea and pink Himalayan salt, containing less sodium chloride and more nutrients, have become popular.

Calorie intake and BMI-balance by Healthy Eating.

Calorie intake and BMI-balanceIt is impossible to compile a healthy nutrition program without determining the calorie content of the diet and calculating the balance of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates (BZU-balance). Properly selected nutrition allows you not to experience feelings of hunger and weakness, to provide the body with enough nutrients, to maintain weight at the right level, and to feel great.

It is necessary to know the permissible norm and the optimal daily number of calories, as well as take into account the lifestyle. In essence, the caloric value of food with active sports should be higher than with sedentary work in the office and the same rest at home in front of the TV.

The balance of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates should normally be as follows:

  • proteins – 30–40%;
  • carbohydrates – 40-50%;
  • fats – 20–25% [3].

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