The Health Care Guardian
Need to Know Growth and Development in Premature Babies
Health Lifestyle

Need to Know Growth and Development in Premature Babies

Growth and development In premature babies are physically learns, interacts, expresses, and grows. The sooner your baby is born, the higher your risk of developing and health problems.

Long-Term Problems may Baby Face

long-term problems may baby Face

Your baby is likely to be at risk for long-term problems because he has an immature brain and nervous system. Early intervention programs and regular visits to pediatricians can help your baby from birth to age three with delays or developmental disabilities.

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Baby Could be at Risk for any of the Following:

  • You could have problems with your motor development like holding your head, crawling, and walking. Your child may also have trouble taking care of himself. You may not be able to feed and dress. You may need physical therapy by the suggestion of a experts to help control these problems.
  • Problems can arise, including learning, understanding, and attention problems. The child may also Face difficulty in speaking and communication. You may need special education or speech therapy to help you manage those problems.
  • Behavioral problems include aggression, anxiety, or problems with social skills. You may need counseling or other support to help you manage these problems.
  • Medical disorders include asthma, seizures, cerebral palsy, or autism. These can affect your baby for the rest of his life.

In  First Year Normal Development in Premature Babies

In First Year Normal development for a baby

The actual age of the baby will calculate to decide if he has already reached developmental goals. For example, if your baby is Ten weeks old, but was born Six weeks earlier, subtract 6 to 10. Your baby’s actual age is four weeks. Premature babies may take longer to reach their development goals than babies born on time.

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The following is an overview of the Development Goals :

  • At two months (Four weeks), your baby can lift his head with support. You can move your arms and legs and hold objects in your hands. turn your head when you hear noises and make cooing or babbling sounds. Follow the movement of objects with your eyes and smile. You recognize your mother or your primary caregiver.
  • Four months (Sixteen weeks), your baby can reach objects and crawl when he is on his stomach. You can pull your hands to your mouth, laugh, and start interacting more with your parents and others.
  • Six months (Twenty Four weeks), your baby can sit up on his own. You can turn from being Face down to being on your back. You can put weight on your feet when you stand up. He shakes objects, responds to his name, and reacts differently to strangers than to his parents. You may start to make more sounds, and you can express your happiness or unhappiness.
  • At nine months (Thirty-two weeks), your baby can stand up on his own, crawl, and walk when held by his hands. You can imitate sounds and say simple words like mom or dad. You can lift and hold objects, such as a bottle.
  • At twelve months (Forty weeks), your baby can stand up on its own and may begin to take steps. You may start to use more words and combine movements with sounds. Help when dressing and play with other children.

Taking Care of Premature Newborn

Taking Care of Premature Newborn

  • Always lay baby on his back to sleep. Wrap it with a blanket. Keep the room warm and quiet. Keep the lights down.
  • Support your newborn baby’s head, so it is higher than your stomach when feeding. Look for changes in skin color while eating. Stop now and then to allow him to breathe enough between sucks. Your newborn baby can tire quickly during feeding. Stop feeding him if he seems tired.
  • Do not use a microwave to warm the baby’s bottle. Milk or formula does not heat evenly and will have hot spots. Baby’s may burn there Face or mouth. You can quickly heat the milk or formula by placing the bottle in a pot of warm water for a few minutes.
  • Make an appointment with your baby’s pediatrician as directed. You need regular vaccinations and checkups. Your newborn baby can easily contract infections due to his weak immune system. Newborns must receive vaccinations to protect their health.
  • Learn the behaviors and cues of your newborn baby. Your newborn baby will cry to let you know that he is hungry, wet, or wants your attention. Soon we able to identify the differences in your newborn’s crying. Establish a routine for sleeping and feeding. A daily routine is essential to make sure you and your newborn get enough rest and sleep. Routine also gives your newborn security and learns to trust you.
  • Use duly approved beds or seats. Use a car seat without a protective harness as the shield may be too high for small newborns. Place the chair in the back of the car and front to back. Make sure an adult stays with their newborn in the back seat. Ask for instructions on how to put a premature newborn in a car bed or car seat.

AGREEMENTS ON Development in Premature Babies

We have to participate in right planning of baby’s care. Learn about the baby’s health and how it is treating. Discuss treatment options with your baby’s doctor to decide what care you want. This information is for educational use only.  Consult with your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist before following any medical regimen to see if it is safe and effective for you.

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