The Health Care Guardian
Fish in an Aquarium should be Happy to Give Positive Affect
Animals Organic Plantation

Fish in an Aquarium should be Happy to Give Positive Affect

Animal and anti-species groups oppose all kinds of domestication. “At a responsible level, a relationship between Fish in an Aquarium and humans not establish, or in some cases, it’s developing, “Therefore,” we assure, “a fish could not be happy or live fully in a human-made environment.

 Set the Conditions Domestication is Merely Captivity

Set the Conditions Domestication is Merely Captivity

In any case, what also needs to be defined is the concept of ” happiness ” applied to animals. IT specifies that “the concepts that we use for humans are generally inadequate to associate them with animals, even if they are pets because it is challenging to demonstrate that they experience feelings such as happiness. ” In any case, the question should be limited to whether they can keep at home as pets or not. His answer is that, in general, yes, as long as four essential requirements will meet:

  1. Adapt the fish’s environment to conditions close to its natural environment.
  2. Give you access to the food you need.
  3. Keep the fish free of diseases.
  4. Allow you to develop your necessary behavior.

The proof that these four aspects will meet that the fish usually behaves, eats regularly, and grows. “Those are signs that there are no major changes,” Tort says, “because if it were not, it would not grow.” In such a case, therefore, “we can consider the fish to be adapted and in good condition.”

The Right Environment for Fish in an Aquarium

The Right Environment for Fish in an Aquarium

What does it mean to adapt to the environment of the fish to conditions close to its natural environment? Above all, the characteristics of each species of fish must take into account.

Based on that, the most important thing is the size of the fish tank or aquarium: that the animal has enough space to develop its life.

The fundamental conditions that the environment must meet to be appropriate: protein skimmer to remove organic compounds such as food and waste particles from water, the temperature, and quality of water, aeration, the quantity and quality of food, lighting.

There is a particular type of fish tank especially criticized from the animal sectors: those with a hemispherical or “round” shape. Some groups, such as Animal Freedom, call them “instruments of torture.” Why?

Above all, due to their small size: according to the same organism, these fish tanks can hold about 10-15 liters of water, when the minimum necessary to guarantee the right conditions for the animal would be 250 liters.

Freedom of Fish in an Aquarium

The Right Environment for Fish in an Aquarium

According to Animal Freedom, moreover, “the environment of these fish tanks offers no variation or interest to animals. They cannot withdraw from other fish or forage for food as they like. Nor does it offer much chance of movement. Certain fish prepare to swim distances considerably, and in a round fishbowl, they can only go in circles. ” Therefore, he concludes, “the typical circular fish tank is unsuitable” for the life of these animals.

In this regard, Lulls Tort points out that “there is no definitive global answer that an apply to all species, of all sizes, and in all circumstances.” “What is true,” says the UAB professor, “is that the ball or round vase type tanks are tiny and this implies a stressful situation for the fish and can lead to death.” However, he adds, “It is more a matter of size than of container shape. Many of the tanks of industrial fish farming and rearing systems in re circulation systems tend to be round, and marine production cages as well, but huge diameters. ”

Therefore, the lack of variation in search for food, problems pointed out by Animal Freedom, the round shape fish tanks don’t matter but with their reduced space, and in rectangular aquariums.

To avoid them, Tort recommends ” environmental enrichment (shelters, stones, plant) so that the fish have the most natural or suitable environment possible.” For this specialist, “it is imperative that, when deciding to bring fish home, these conditions should take into account, and that environment and the necessary accessories will prepare. If not, it is better not to bring fish. Not because they attract the attention of children or older people can stop attending to those conditions. ”

When there is Animal Cruelty

When there is Animal Cruelty

Can one speak, then, before certain practices with the fish in the home, of animal cruelty? Yes: when there is no preparation to adapt to the environment. It does not prepare for the specimen that is receiving.

That is to say, and Tort points out when he forces to live in an enclosure that is too small, with water in poor condition, without the food it needs.

In above cases, keeping the fish in inadequate conditions would be detrimental, and if these conditions are maintaining, health deteriorates, Its a sign of cruelty.

Another crucial aspect, which considers the “backroom” of having fish as pets: how these specimens arrive in aquariums.

In this sense, good and bad practices are also carry out, of course. “While there are breeding centers in good condition, In the world, such as South America or South Asia,

Fishing of fishes in rivers or seas, and their transport and adjustment can be very poor and cause significant damage.”

Fish for Adoption

“The ideal would have energetic and happy fish; they should be those who need it: there are fish for adoption.

In order to create an aquarium with the necessary liters of water and take great care of its environmental enrichment and the feeding of the animals.

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