The Health Care Guardian
Choose The Best Exercise Machine At Home
Fitness Health

Choose The Best Exercise Machine For Home By Experts

Each time we are the ones who care about our health. We try to keep good health habits and exercise regularly. Lack of time is our worst enemy to achieve our goals. Choosing the best Exercise Machine to use at home may be one of the questions you ask us the most. In this post, we are trying to give you the main guidelines and suggestions so that you can succeed in your purchase.

I want to work cardio or strength

In addition to time, space, and we can devote to a home gym machine is very little. Therefore, it is reasonable to choose between a cardio or bodybuilding device.

Cardio machines


Before buying any fitness product, you should reflect on what aspects you would like to improve:

  • Lose weight
  • Improve cardiovascular circulation
  • Reduce cellulite levels and fluid retention
  • Improve my cardio respiratory capacity
  • Tone the muscles

If any of these are your goals, surely your best choice is a cardio gym apparatus.

Machines for bodybuilding

  • Tone the muscles
  • Lose weight
  • Strengthen specific muscle groups such as arms, back or chest

We would recommend a weight training device.

Choose cardio devices

Once identified what type of exercise machine would suit you, we will point out the main features of the different options that you can find in cardio machines


If what you are passionate about is running, and you wait any moment to put on some running shoes, this can be your device. During training, many muscle groups in your body participate, so the level of caloric expenditure is very high.


Advantages of the treadmill

  • High-calorie expenditure
  • We can work at high intensities and do series exercises
  • You can run at any time of the day

Disadvantages of a treadmill

  • If you have neighbors below the impacts can disturb
  • Electricity consumption, for low consumption they will always have to connect to the network

Elliptical bikes

This type of bike is already more than consolidated in fitness. They are complete, since both the legs and the trunk work. In addition to working cardiovascular resistance. That is, in addition to putting your heart healthy, it helps you lose weight.

Elliptical bikes

Advantages of an elliptical trainer

  • Completed work
  • It occupies less space than a tape
  • It has no impacts on the joints
  • Very high caloric intake

Disadvantages of an elliptical bike

  • It takes up more space than an exercise bike
  • Most expensive assembly

Static bicycles Best Exercise Machine

Probably the best-known device of a lifetime. It is the most frequent option when it comes to starting cardio at home. It is the cardio device that occupies less space in your home. You can even find models that allow folding. It also allows you to do an exercise without any impact. Notably indicated to recover from an injury.

Static bicycles

Advantages of an exercise bike

  • It occupies very little space
  • Low impact on joints
  • Indicated for rehabilitation
  • Very quiet, ideal when we have neighbors under home

Disadvantages of an exercise bike

  • Do not allow exercise at high intensities
  • More complex exercising up

Indoor cycling bicycles

This type of product is gaining ground within the cardio options. It is the most advanced alternative to an exercise bike. It allows you to exercise much more intensely and stands out for the low level of loudness it emits.

Indoor cycling bicycles

Advantages of an indoor cycling bike

  • Reduced space
  • It allows training at high intensities
  • You can simulate climbs by getting up from the bike
  • Low maintenance

Disadvantages of a spinning bike

  • They do not incorporate training programs (unless you invest a lot of money)


In our country, it is not a very popular product. Although it is a complete exercise, it requires a specific physical condition to get the most out of this device.

Advantages of an oar

  • Complete work
  • No impact on joints


Disadvantages of a rowing

  • It occupies more space than a bicycle
  • It requires a particular physical form
  • Indicated for users who have execution technique

Choose fitness Exercise Machine

Fitness equipment allows you to work strength exercises at home. As in cardio, there are many options or alternatives. In this type of product, space is an element that will limit our options.

Abdominal bench common Exercise Machine

It is known as an abdominal bench, but it allows you to do countless exercises with it. Since with the help of dumbbells, elastic, and a little experience, the possibilities are unlimited.

Abdominal bench

Advantages of an abdominal bench

  • It occupies little space
  • Many possibilities of exercises
  • Lower price

Disadvantages of an abdominal bench

  • You need experience or pull YouTube to watch exercises, and not get bored with the usual

Olympic bank

Olympic Bank

These benches are specially designed to work with a bar. You can do pectoral exercises, dorsal, shoulders, and triceps. Some models include extensions to work the legs too.

Advantages of an Olympic bank

  • It allows many exercise options
  • Complete work of the upper train

Disadvantages of an Olympic bank

  • You need additional accessories such as discs and bars, to get the most out of

Bodybuilding multi station Exercise Machine

Bodybuilding multi station

It is the complete option to work for all muscle groups without leaving your home. Here if you need to have a lot of space or even a room dedicated to multi station. The exercises are easy to execute, and you don’t need to be an expert in bodybuilding.

Advantages of a multi-station

  • Very intuitive exercises
  • Work of all muscle groups

Disadvantages of a multi-station

  • Takes a lot of space
  • Limitation when increasing weights
  • Limited exercises

We hope we have cleared some doubts. If not, do not hesitate to write us a comment.

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