The Health Care Guardian
Egg Plant properties benefits And Its Natural Flavours
Nutrition Recipes

Eggplant properties benefits And Its Natural Flavours

At the sight of an Eggplant is also called as Brinjal in Asia and most consumers in India, It also treats as king of Vegetables. Contradictory feelings awakening in different places and times. The Romans and the inhabitants of central and northern Europe have resisted its charms for centuries,

Today it is viewed with caution because it tends to absorb fat during preparation. However, it is a food with very beneficial properties on fatty acid digestion, blood pressure, kidney health, and resistance to diseases in general. It is exquisite dishes in the traditional cuisines of Asia, the Middle East, North Africa, and Southern Europe.

From the botanical point of view, Eggplant is a fruit found in very different shapes, sizes, and colors. They can be more or less long and thick. There are white, yellow, green, striped, and even orange.

Eggplant harvests from June to October, in India, it is consuming for more than 4,000 years; from there it gaining ground in Asia and the 6th century it appears in a Chinese agricultural treaty.

Today China is by far the leading world producer, with almost 20 million tons per year. India follows with half, while Spain produces about 175,000 tons. The Castilla-La Mancha harvest stands out, where there is the Denomination of Origin “Almagro aubergines,” of small size and rounded shape.

Eggplant properties

Egg Plant is mainly composed of water (92.6%) and carbohydrates (3.5%). It adds to its low fat (0.2%) and protein (1.2%), which makes it very light (21 cal / 100 g). It also provides fiber (1.5%)

Regarding its micronutrients, its contribution to potassium (240 mg / 100 g) and folic acid (13 mcg) stands out mainly.

As it reflects its purple color, it also contains anthocyanins, with antioxidant action.

Eggplant Benefits

Eggplant benefitsEgg Plant, in addition to protecting the liver and providing antioxidants, it is rich in fibers that help eliminate cholesterol from other foods.


Fiber is, apart from water, the main component of the Egg Plant. Of soluble type, it favors the first state of the bacterial flora. It decreases the consistency of the feces, which helps its elimination. Egg Plant can consider light and digestive food as long as it cooks properly.


Both fiber and chemicals found, especially in the skin and seeds, contribute to maintaining cholesterol at optimal levels. Some compounds in Egg Plant inhibit cholesterol synthesis in the liver. In contrast, others prevent it from oxidizing and sticking to the artery walls.  

Appropriate Diabetics

It  Controls Sugar because it contains very few carbohydrates, a lot of fiber, which slows down the absorption rate of sugars from other foods, and substances that help keep it under control, such as trigonelline Hydrochloride.


The most abundant mineral is potassium, and it contains almost no sodium, which favors the elimination of liquids and reduces blood pressure (if we use less salt when cooking it).

It facilitates the work of the heart and supports the eliminating function of the kidneys.


GOOD FOR THE NERVOUS SYSTEMThe presence of vitamin B6, B1, and magnesium in significant amounts indicate it to strengthen the nervous system and improve mood. Vitamin B6 is especially recommended during pregnancy, as it prevents gestational diabetes and relieves nausea.

Caution: people with a tendency to form kidney stones should only consume them occasionally since they contain a large number of oxalates, which favor initial crystallization.


The most valuable properties of Eggplant are not due to its richness in vitamins and minerals, but to specific chemical compounds that are found mainly in the skin and seeds.

It especially highlights its ability to reduce LDL cholesterol. Fiber intake is a possible cause, but everything indicates that the difference is in alkaloids with a chemical structure similar to statins – drugs that inhibit cholesterol synthesis – but without their side effects.

These exclusive substances of the Eggplant and bitter flavor stimulate the excellent functioning of the liver and the emptying of the gallbladder so that they favor the digestion of fats.

They are effects that can achieve through culinary recipes and also through infusions (the Eggplant slice it into cubes and boil for a few minutes; then, the liquid can use throughout the day).


Also, Eggplant contains a dozen potent antioxidant phenolic acids and anthocyanins – pigments that give the characteristic dark color to the skin.

Both types of compounds prevent the oxidation of cholesterol – one of the causes of which it becomes a health problem – and thus avoid both cardiovascular disorders and degenerative diseases.


Nasunin mainly protects the membranes of neurons, thus preventing and fighting various nervous-type disorders.

Its usefulness in the fight against cancer it stats in investigation because it inhibits the formation of new blood vessels that feed tumors and combats the undesirable accumulation of iron in tissues.


BAKED, SPECTACULAR AND ROASTEDOne of the best ways to cook brinjal(eggplant) is can also bake which is best for a culinary point of view. improves its texture by consolidating its nutrition, and uniquely concentrates the flavors, mainly if a gas oven or the traditional wood-burning,

The most healthy and digestive ways to consume it is roasting whole in the oven, grilling, and then lightly season  on vegetable. Brinjal(eggplant) vegetable admits any form of preparation, such as stew, roast, or the healthy steam method.

Fried also like, although it is less advisable. You have to take certain precautions so that the pulp does not absorb too much fat, which multiplies the calorie intake and makes it more indigestible (the 15 calories of 100 grams in crude can transform into 300).

Its to obtain a denser pulp that absorbs less oil, it is necessary to salt it before cooking. Thus, the sodium molecules attract water to the outside and extract moisture from the meat.


MEDITERRANEAN FLAVORSThis vegetable pairs easily with ingredients such as garlic, onion, zucchini, bell pepper, and tomato. Beyond the vegetable pates and other recipes that come from the East, in France, for example, are preparing stew, very similar to our Soup. Catalonia is very popular, base on Eggplant, onions and roasting peppers.

Any dish made with Brinjal can perfume with aromatic plants such as oregano, thyme, marjoram, and parsley, or others more typical of the Middle East such as coriander.


It is usually serves, in its countries of origin, with pita bread. However, it can also accompany with toast or corn crackers, starter or garnish for some dishes. This vegetable create sweet recipes, such as frying Eggplant with cane honey or jam.

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