The Health Care Guardian
Dumbbell Leg Workout
Fitness Health

Dumbbell Leg Workout For Toned Legs For Men And Women

You need to do Dumbbell Leg Workout to keep every muscle in your legs strong. This is why it’s natural for people working out for the first time to feel sore legs. If you do this regularly and more often than you think, all your leg muscles will become stronger and in good shape.

dumbbell squat

Dumbbell squat

Dumbbell squat is a squat in which we hold the Dumbbell with both hands and keep our neck, head, and back straight. Slowly bend our knees and lower down as if we were sitting on a chair. Then, sit down and hold it for a while. Then, hold the glutes tight and rise up on seeing front side. While raising up keep your hands straight downwards. Think of this entire process as one cycle.

Goblet Squat

We will now focus on the inside muscle of our thighs. Explain the process. We will stand up straight, spread our legs as wide as our shoulders, and stand upright. Take one heavy dumbbell or two light dumbbells in our hands and place them well in front of our chest.

We should keep our heads straight and look straight. and lower ourselves as if we were sitting on chair, Our knees should be behind our big toes. We must keep our weight on our heels. In the same way, we should stand up and keep our hips pressed firmly. This is one cycle or rep.

Calf Raises is important in Dumbbell Leg Workout

calf raises

Let’s move on to another exercise method. Another method of this Dumbbell weight workout is to do in a standing position, with both legs as wide as our buttocks. We must lift our bodies up and place the tip of our bodies on our toes. Need to slowly get down back to the starting position. This makes one rep.

Good Morning Exercise

Dumbbell leg workouts has a greater effect on the hamstrings and above the buttocks, transforming them into a nice shape. Trust me, this feeling will immediately take effect when your inner legs buttocks, and the pressure on your legs.

We should do this exercise standing, with our feet of our shoulders width apart. Take one of the dumbbell and hold it on both sides with both hands on your upper back. Bend your hips forward until you feel a gentle stretch in the back of your leg, arching your back like an arch and your knees are relaxed. Bring your torso back to your original standing position using your hips. This completes one set.

Lunges using Weights

lunches using weights

Since we make lunches with a small amount of weight, it targets our glutes and quads. If we are doing this lunch for the first time, it will be very effective even with our body weight. We do not need to use extra white. After gradually gaining experience, we can gradually increase the amount of weights. This exercise should be started in a standing position. Take a step back slowly sink down and so that your knees touches ground. Place your body weight on your front heel and then slowly raise your back leg back up to the starting position and lift yourself up to a standing position. Think of this whole process as a rep. Now, try the same thing with the other leg, just like the first one.

Raising your hips for Dumbbell Leg Workout

Raising your hips

If you want to do a core exercise, the hip exercise should be the first one. This exercise stabilizes our back and also brings our buttocks and hamstrings into perfect shape.

How to do this exercise: Lie on the floor or mat, with your knees bent at 90 degrees and your feet touching the floor. Take a weight and place it across your hips on stomach. Slowly raise your hips up and keep your knees bent so that your chest is level with your hips and keens straight. Tighten your buttocks and hold for three seconds. Slowly lower your hips back to the starting position on to floor. This completes one rep

Donkey Kids and Leg raises to over and over

high-angle-girl-home-exercising (2)

This exercise is done in two ways: For maximum fat burning, these two exercises should be done one after the other before changing the sides.

Method: We should be on the floor in a dog position with our arms straight over our shoulders and our knees straight over our hips. The palms and knees should touch the ground. You should try to lift your leg up by bending your knee. They should hold their raised leg in the air for a while, until your glute feels firm. You have to slowly lower raised leg and do the same thing again. This is called a one rep. After you finished donkey kicks, you will need to start another exercise related to this.

Soon After you put it down, you should stretch your leg to back and to the side so that your thumb touches the floor. Slowly lift that leg up and rotate it and place that leg on the other side of your body, next to the leg that is on the ground. We need to raise that leg again and bring it back to its normal position. This is called a rep. After all the reps for this leg are completed, we will do this exercise as usual with the other leg.

Clam shells one of the Dumbbell Leg workout exercise

calm shells

This is the last exercise in our dumbbell leg workout. If you complete above mentioned all the exercises in one day, you will be putting a lot of pressure on your Glutes. This exercise is useful for giving good shape to the gluten, hips, thighs and strengthen your lower body exercise.

How to do it: You will need to lie on your side with your elbows supported. Keep your knees bent and place your other hand on the ground for support. You should keep your bent legs raised with your upper knee up. You will need to lift your upper leg up to the knee as far as possible and then slowly lower it back to the starting position. By doing this, one rap will be completed. After completing all the reps on one leg, take support and do the same for the other side swathing to other leg.

All the above exercises related to dumbbell leg workout we should be done continuously for 15 reps. After all the work is completed tomorrow, we should take a three-minute break..

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