Chia seeds are the unprocessed whole grain food, gluten-free, and with a great contribution of fibers, and antioxidants. And with good reason! Benefits of Chia...
Throughout life, we suffer from gases. Burping through the mouth or expelling them through the anus is normal; in fact, they will evacuate between 14 and 23 times...
Currently, there is no specific nutritional treatment for Covid-19. These experts assure that the feeding guidelines are aiming at alleviating the symptoms by fever and...
Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is the most complex chemical structure. Its discovery must be placed in 1920 by the hand of the American doctor...
Cannabidiol, or “CBD Oil,” known as marijuana, which contains 80% chemicals, identifies in the Cannabis sativa plant. However, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the main active ingredient...
Millet’s is prevalent in most developing countries because it loads with a large number of nutrients. It is beneficial for people who cannot afford sufficient...