The Health Care Guardian
Best Stye Remedies And Tips To Avoid Its Appearance
Beauty Health

Stye Treatments And Remedies And Tips To Avoid Its Appearance

You wake up one day in the morning, and you feel a slight discomfort in the eye, we discover the reason: a stye. You want him to leave as soon as possible because, besides being uncomfortable, it is unsightly.

To avoid inflaming it further before an adequate treatment, it will be essential to have clean hands, and not touch your eyes to put stye away from irritating substances.

What is a stye?

A stye is an acute, painful, circumscribed infectious tumor of the eyelids.

There are two types, internal and external styes.

Chalazion or internal stye

On the one hand, some affect the sebaceous glands of the eyelashes (external). On the other hand, those that affect the meibomian organs, which are those that are behind the eyelashes.

The inflammation of the eyelashes is known as Calcium or interior style. In some cases in which it is possible to become cystic, it is necessary to intervene surgically. That is why the patient must see his ophthalmologist as soon as possible.

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Causes of stye

Causes of styes

Styes arise when the sebaceous glands inflame which are near to eyelashes or eyelids, whose function is to lubricate and protect the skin.

The fat that comes from holes in the skin solidifies, causing a plug. It prevents the rest of the fat from leaving, thus forming a cyst or a stye.

Blepharitis or inflammation of the eye

The most common cause for this to occur is due to the proliferation of a type of bacteria called  Staphylococcus aureus (Staphylococcus).

It can also be one of the causes of blepharitis (chronic inflammation of the eye), hormonal changes, and stress, causing it to reproduce again over time.

There is also a family predisposition to skin diseases, as well as those with pinkish skin. The first thing that the patient will notice is that the eyelid swells and pain.

Main symptoms of styes

  • Gritty feeling on the eyelid.
  • Light sensitivity.
  • Annoyance when blinking an eye.
  • Red eyes.
  • Burning, stinging, tingling, or pain in the affected area.
  • Bleary eyes.

What to do when you get a styes

The first thing to do is to visit an ophthalmologist to study the type of style and diagnose the most appropriate treatment. Typically, the healing process takes about 20 days.

The specialist will be able to prescribe anti-inflammatories. However, analgesics and heat treatment with massage, never cold, in the affected area several times a day so that the protuberance created by the styes dissolves when it is solidified.

The use of ointments is also very common. However, with them, we will not get the safest way to eliminate it, simply to avoid an over-infection.

Tips to avoid a stye

Tips to avoid a stye

  • The first recommendation to avoid the appearance of a stye is not to rub your eyes excessively with your hands. If we do, we have to make sure they are clean. We will reduce the presence of microorganisms by washing our hands with soap for 30 seconds.
  • It is also not recommended to share objects for personal use: towels, glasses, makeup, scarves, or similar.
  • If we have oily or acne skin, make sure always to keep the face very clean, especially the eyelid area.
  • It is advisable to properly remove the makeup from the eyes before going to sleep. It is best to use a proven skin product or a natural remedy.
  • If we use contact lenses, we must maintain adequate hygiene. They should not be used for too many hours a day. They must be in a suitable solution that keeps them sterilized. At the same time, it is convenient to use them only for the time indicated by the manufacturer. If some lenses are one day, one month or six months long, do not overuse them.

Care of the style to perform at home

The main recommendation that anyone can do at home is to apply moist heat, with a warm compress, gauze, washcloth, or tea bag, and gently massage the eyelid area. If the stye does not improve with this care, or if it increases in size, must consult the doctor, says an ophthalmologist expert, an oculoplastic specialist at the famous hospital.

In front of the home remedies that patients try to put a solution, from boiling acacia leaves or coriander seeds in water and applying the mixture with a clean cloth, to placing a freshly hard-boiled egg or a hot spoon on the eyelid,  “no scientific evidence they find it will work.”

Although some people experience improvement and relief of symptoms, “it demonstrates that it is thanks to the mentioned tricks since styes usually disappear spontaneously after one or two weeks.”

Any treatment indicated for chronic cases must prescribe and supervise by a doctor, who will also monitor its evolution, and in the event of a severe episode, “may require using antibiotics orally and performing a surgical intervention” complements Dr. Raja.

The recommendation for older people will be the same, who have never been prone to the appearance of these types of conditions because it can be a sign of another disease.

Don’t forget preventive cleaning

Cleaning the eye area should be done ” but not so much to prevent its appearance when the stye has already appeared,”, especially in people with blepharitis who are more prone to styes. “All blepharitis people are not associated with styes. ”

Although the treatment must individualized according to each case. Its recommend to perform daily cleaning of the eyelashes when blepharitis is acute and, from the moment it is already controlled, 2 or 3 times a week using wipes or palpebral soaps.

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