The Health Care Guardian
Vitamin D is an essential element
Health Nutrition

Benefits Of Vitamin D Its Sources, Deficiency, And Dosage

Vitamin D is an essential element for the general health of people. It helps to maintain calcium and phosphorus levels in optimal conditions and prevents chronic bone diseases such as rickets, osteoporosis, and rheumatoid arthritis, among others, says Harvard. The recommendations for how Benefits Of Vitamin D adults should consume each day differ among specialists. However, in general, the figures are usually within the following parameters:

What is vitamin D?

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin, which means it stores in the body’s fatty tissue. People usually get vitamin D when exposed to sunlight, which leads to the production of vitamin D in the skin.

Vitamin D occurs naturally in very few foods. In the United States, it routinely adds to milk and baby formula. Other good food sources include egg yolk and some types of fish, such as salmon and mackerel. Vitamin D is also available in nutritional supplements.

What are the benefits of Vitamin D And D3?

Benefits Of the Vitamin D And D3

According to research done by the University of Michigan, this element is related to a better quality of life in cancer patients.

Also, it helps to reduce asthma attacks, improves autism symptoms, and fights respiratory tract infections. Share a link to preventing multiple sclerosis, chronic pain, diabetes, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular disease.

Vitamin D3 is involved in many metabolic processes, in addition to those traditionally known. It can easily understand by observing that vitamin D receptors (VDR) are widely distributed throughout the body.

The role most attributed to vitamin D3 is that of a mineral regulator, especially of calcium metabolism. By improving the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, vitamin D keeps the levels of these minerals in balance. In this way, it provides good bone density and avoids problems such as rickets, reduced bone formation, and osteoporosis.

Cholecalciferol improves immunity and thus helps to fight infections and the development of some autoimmune diseases.

As it participates in the processes of cell multiplication and differentiation, it can play an anticarcinogenic role, decreasing the chances of developing different types of cancer.

Vitamin D3 can even improve skin health due to its anti-inflammatory and regenerative properties. Avoiding the appearance of acne and improving skin healing.

It also plays a protective role against cardiovascular diseases, since it helps in the control of cardiac functions and blood pressure.

According to research, vitamin D3 can also help with weight loss as it stimulates the burning of fats.

Studied the benefits of vitamin D

According to recent studies, adequate levels of vitamin D are below:

  • Keep bones healthy and avoid osteoporosis
  • Possibly reduce the risk of heart disease and high blood pressure
  • Lower the risk of colorectal cancer and may reduce the risk of other cancers, including breast, prostate, and pancreas, according to the National Cancer Institute. (In a study conducted by cancer treatment centers of America, low vitamin D was found to be prevalent in most cancer patients)
  • Boost the immune system and protect against viruses like the common cold
  • Can reduce the risk of developing multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis
  • Probably plays a crucial role in maintaining cognitive function as we age
  • It can reduce the severity of asthma

Taking vitamin D is a meaningful way to prevent osteoporosis. Taking calcium and vitamin D, like vitamin D, helps bones absorb calcium.

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Where to find vitamin D and D3?

Food which find vitamin D and D3

Also known as the solar vitamin, because the body naturally produces it during exposure to sunlight, vitamin D will find in the following foods:

  • Fatty fish like salmon, cod, and tuna.
  • Oysters Fortified tofu.
  • Mushrooms and mushrooms.
  • Egg yolks.
  • Cheese, milk, and yogurts are good contents of vitamin D.
  • Cold meats.
  • Natural orange juice.
  • Butter and kinds of margarine.
  • Expertly recommended food supplements.

Vitamin D3 where to find?

Where to find Vitamin D

Vitamin D can find through exposure to the sun, food, and supplementation.

The sun represents an average of 80, and 90% of obtaining vitamin D. one must expose himself to direct sunlight, especially UVB radiation. The production of vitamin D3 depends on the exposure time, light intensity, skin color, and availability of provitamin D3 in the skin.

We can obtain a small portion of vitamin D through diet. The richest sources of the vitamin are animal foods such as fatty fish such as tuna, cod, salmon, and sardines—liver of mammals, eggs, dairy products, and mushrooms.

Currently, vitamin D deficiency affects a large portion of the population worldwide, and it is due to lifestyle habits, such as low sun exposure, use of sunscreen, and inadequate nutrition, among others.

Low levels of this vitamin will consider determining factors for the development of several diseases.

Vitamin D3 supplementation is necessary to maintain good health. It is also a great supplement to be taken in combination with others, as it makes them better absorbed. When ingested through supplementation, the vitamin D3 molecule is already inactive form, that is, ready to perform its functions in the body.

Did you know?

Vitamin D is the only vitamin the body produces

Vitamin D is the only vitamin the body produces. Other vitamins like A, B, and C only come from food and supplements.

You probably don’t get enough vitamin D if:

  • spend little time in the sun or use a powerful sunscreen
  • have very dark skin
  • you are over 50 years of age when the body is less able to produce and use vitamin D efficiently
  • have certain diseases of the digestive system that interfere with the absorption of fat and vitamin D
  • You are overweight because vitamin D can become “trapped” in body fat and less available for the body’s needs.

If you could take a supplement that is likely to protect you against some cancers and the common cold and other viruses, right? Many people say yes and take daily vitamin D supplements.

As for vitamins, many experts vary in their opinion on whether or not to take supplements. Some say that you don’t need any supplements, believing people get their necessary vitamins and minerals from a healthy diet. Others believe that supplements are useful, especially when our diet is not perfect.

Factors that affect vitamin D Benefits 

Factors that affect

levels According to Harvard, people living in northern states and cities, where there is not much exposure to sunlight during winter, often suffer from a deficiency.

With age, the natural production of vitamin D decreases; at 65 years, only a quarter of what the body used to have at 20 years producing.

People with darker skin color have about half the levels of vitamin D that a white person has.

A body mass index greater than 30 interferes with the circulation of vitamins through the blood as it is retained in fat.

A poor diet or a poorly balanced diet of the elements already mentioned also affects the acquisition of solar vitamins.

Liver patients with cystic fibrosis and inflammatory bowel diseases often have trouble absorbing the vitamin.

Do you need a supplement For the Benefits Of Vitamin D?


Vitamin D is a nutrient that many experts agree is useful to take as a supplement. That’s because vitamin D has gone through more rigorous studies than many other vitamins, and it finds it to have several health benefits. Recent research shows that vitamin D can be valuable in the prevention and treatment of several serious health problems.

Vitamin D is an essential vitamin, which simply means that our bodies need to function. Most essential vitamins will not produce by our bodies and must take through the food we eat. Hence, Vitamin D is different, and our bodies can produce it with the help of adequate sunlight. Today, with the increasing use of sun protection and more time indoors, many people are deficient in vitamin D.

If you’re curious about your vitamin D levels, ask your doctor or attend the TMH Community Health Fair each spring.

How much to take

So, you’re ready to jump on the vitamin D bandwagon, first of all, we know that there are different forms of vitamin D. The recommended form to take is vitamin D3 or cholecalciferol. It is the natural form of vitamin D that your body makes from sunlight.

The Institute of Medicine recommends that adults have 600 international units (IU) of vitamin D a day and for those over 70, equivalent to 800 IU a day. Some doctors believe that these recommendations are somewhat low and result in a higher dose for many people. Ask your doctor which one is best for you.

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