The Health Care Guardian
8 Tips Your Dental Health
Health Lifestyle

8 Tips for Looking After Your Dental Health By Experts

Your Dental Health is a large chunk of the overall self-care you owe yourself. Without it, you’d be running into all sorts of issues with your gums and teeth. The mouth acts as a window to your entire body, so it’s vital to maintain proper oral hygiene at all times.

In this article, I’ve shared 8 tips to not only keep your teeth and mouth clean and healthy. Let’s get started!

1. Daily Flossing for Your Dental Health

You might have seen those toothbrush bristles cleaning everything so well between the teeth. Well, that only happens in commercials. In real life, doctors recommend flossing at least once a day to ensure that every nook and cranny inside your mouth gets properly cleaned out.
You should also pair this practice with an interdental brush for cleaning between the teeth. Not only will it instantly help with bad breath, but also saves you from the horrors of gum disease and tooth decay.

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2. Brush Twice a Day

We all know how important it is to brush your teeth, but not everyone takes the time out to do it twice a day. According to surveys, 31% of Americans do not brush their teeth twice a day, and 2% of them said they don’t brush at all.
You should brush your teeth in the morning and right before bedtime. Try using a flat-headed toothbrush and focus on cleaning the gum line well as that’s where more of the plaque builds up. Also, use fluoride toothpaste — which brings us to the next tip.

3. Use Fluoride Your Dental Health

Fluoride is a magic element for our dental health. According to experts, it can play a critical role in preventing cavities. After all, it’s a key ingredient in most mouthwash and toothpaste products.
A lack of fluoride can lead to cavities and tooth decay even if an individual performs dental care practices like regular brushing and flossing. Therefore, make sure you add fluoride-based products to your daily dental care routine.

Many US communities also get a certain level of fluoride quantity in their water supply. It’s intentionally added by authorities according to recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), World Health Organization (WHO), and the ADA.

4. Pay Regular Visits to the Orthodontist

Pay Regular Visits to the Orthodontist

Even if you’re implementing all of the above tips in your daily life, it’s important to occasionally have an expert’s opinion on how your teeth look. Often, they can identify risks and problems before a person notices and pain or visual anomalies. Your dentist might look at dental scans or perform live checks to see if everything’s okay.

If something’s wrong, they can quickly guide you in the right direction before you inflict any irreversible damage to the teeth. To find some of the most reliable orthodontists, visit

5. Cut Down on Sugary and Starchy Food Items

Sugar isn’t good for your teeth — most of us learn that the hard way as kids. Too much of it can lead to cavities, especially if a person doesn’t maintain his/her dental hygiene properly. Besides candy, you should also avoid eating processed foods with high sugar content.

According to recommendations from the WHO, you should limit your sugar intake to about 10% of the daily calories you consume. 10 percent is the maximum amount according to the recommendations, and they further state that bringing it down to 5 percent would be more effective in reducing cavity risks and similar dental issues.

When it comes to dental care, starch isn’t your friend either. Food items rich in starch — such as bread, pasta, chips, and crackers — can all lead to tooth decay over time.
As you chew on them, tiny food particles can get stuck on your gums and between the teeth, and later break down into simple sugars. Unfortunately, that’s what some bacteria feed on — which isn’t ideal if you’re looking to avoid tooth decay.

The ADA suggests replacing starchy foods with fresh vegetables, fruits, dairy products, and fiber-rich food items without any added sugar.

6. Regularly Switch Out Your Toothbrush

Your toothbrush is your biggest weapon against all sorts of dental bacteria, gum disease, and tooth decay. However, the bristles of the brush might start to show signs of wear and tear after 2-3 months. When that happens, make sure you don’t procrastinate switching your toothbrush out, as that can lead to improper cleaning.

7. No Smoking Your Dental Health

Smoking causes discoloration of the teeth, takes away their shine, and gives them a yellowish hue. You’ve probably noticed that in smokers, but the dental damages of smoking go deeper than that. It’s a renowned gum disease cause. By regular smoking, you expose your gums to get exposed to all sorts of toxins, ultimately leading to quick tooth tissue degradation.

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